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姓名:  王保华


职称:  二级教授

学历学位: 博士研究生

/博士生导师: 博士生导师














[1] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目分布式电驱动汽车列车智能驾驶行驶稳定性主动控制研究(520721162021.01-2024.12

[2] 主持湖北省重点研发计划项目“高端电动轿车整车与动力系统集成匹配关键技术研究(2020BAB141”, 2020.01-2022.12,湖北省科技厅

[3] 主持湖北省科技计划项目商用车智能转向关键技术外专项目, 2020.01-2024.12,湖北省科技厅

[4] 参与湖北隆中实验室专项“新能源汽车轻量化集成电驱动系统关键技术研究与应用”,2023.01-2025.12,襄阳市科技局

[5] 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“汽车线控转向系统节能设计理论及方法研究(51175155”, 2012.1-2015.12

[6] 负责国家自然科学基金面上项目“汽车列车主动安全系统的设计方法研究(51375151”, 2014.1-2017.12

[7] 参与国家863计划项目“电动汽车控制器产业化技术攻关(2011A11A241”,2011.01-2012.12

[8] 参与国家863计划项目“混合动力汽车用机电耦合动力传动装置关键技术研究(2008AA11A123”,2008.07-2010.06

[9] 参与国家863计划项目“东风混合动力客车与乘用车动力系统技术平台研究开发(2006AA11A110”,2006.12-2008.12

[10] 主持湖北省科技支撑计划项目“大型商用车多桥主动转向装置及集成关键技术研究(2015BAA046”, 2015.01-2017.12,湖北省科技厅

[11] 主持湖北省科技支撑计划项目“基于低碳、智能背景下湖北省汽车产业发展政策研究(2015BDF038”, 2015.01-2015.12,湖北省科技厅

[12] 主持湖北省自然科学基金重点项目“重型商用车多桥转向关键技术研究(2013CFA134,2014.1-2015.12,湖北省科技厅

[13] 主持教育部重点项目“汽车线控转向控制策略研究(210135”,6万,2011-2014

[14] 主持湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队项目“新型ISG混合动力总成关键技术研究(T201005”, 2011.1-2012.12

[15] 主持湖北省高校产学研资助重点项目“柴油发动机集成盘式电机新型混合动力总成关键技术研究(CXY2009B034 2010.1-2012.12

[16] 主持湖北省自然科学基金项目新型并联混合动力总成(ISG)控制策略研究(2005ABA3052006.01-2008.12


[1] B-HWANG et.alThe Rapid Development of Parallel Hybrid Propulsion Control System by Online  Calibrating SystemJournal of Automobile Engineering2007,  V221,D12 ,ISSN: 0954-4070

[2]     B-HWANG et.alEXPERIMENTALRESEARCH   OF ,THE EQ6110HEV HYBRID ELECTRIC BUS USING AN ON-LINE DEBUGGING SYSTEMInternational   Journal of Automobile Technology 2010, 11   (2), ISSN: 1229-9138

[3]    B-HWANG et.alPARAMETRICOPTIMIZATION   OF EQ6110HEV HYBRID ELECTRIC BUS BASED ON ORTHOGONAL EXPERIMENTDESIGNInternational   Journal of Automobile Technology 2010, 11   (1) ISSN:   1229-9138

[4]    B-HWANG et.alAPPLICATIONSTUDY   ON A CONTROL STRATEGY FOR A HYBRID ELECTRIC PUBLIC BUS   International Journal of Automobile   Technology  2011, 12 (1)ISSN: 1229-9138

[5]    B-HWANG et.al Simulation of City Bus   Performance Based on Actual Urban Driving Cycle in ChinaInternational   Journal of Automobile Technology 200808 2008,   9(4)ISSN:   1229-9138

[6]    B-HWANG et.alAVL   Cruise-based Modeling and Simulation of EQ6110 Hybrid Electric Public BusProceedings   of  ICCASM2010, 201010月,Institute   of electrical and electronic EngineerISBN:978-1-4244-7236-9

[7]    王保华等,EQ6110城市客车电动AMT换档策略研究,《农业机械学报》200701月, ISSN:   1000-1298

[8]    B-HWANG et.al System Development and   Research of Control Strategy for the Hybrid Electric Public Bus   Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2009,  ISSN: 1931-0587  ISBN: 978-1-4244-3502-9

[9]   B-HWANG et.al Application Study on Control   Strategy for the Hybrid Electric Bus, Proceedings of The   ICECE 2010201006月,ISBN:978-0-7695-4031-3

[10]   王保华,混合动力城市客车控制策略与试验研究,博士学位论文,《中国博士论文全文数据库》 200806月,CNKI中国博士学位论文全文数据库(核心期刊),ISSN:1674-022x

[11]  王保华,EQ1091载货汽车动力系统参数匹配与正交优化,《汽车工程》 200807月,   ISSN: 1000-680x

[12]  B-HWANG et.al, Comparison   of different control strategies for parallel hybrid electric vehicles The   proceedings of the China Association of Science and technology, 2008, volume   4, No 2, Science Press  ISSN:978-7-03-021073-9

[13]  王保华等,并联混合动力客车再生制动仿真研究,汽车工程,2005276):648-651Dynamic   Simulation and Analysis on City Bus Performance Based on Actual Urban Driving   Cycle, 2006, SAE Paper No: 2006-01-3488

[14] Huiyong Zhao, Guangde Zhang; Baohua Wang. Analysis of the mode converting   from FWS to 4WS without problem of rear overhang swing, Proceedings of 2017   8th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing   Technologies, ICMIMT 2017, p 188-192

[15] Huiyong Zhao, Guangde Zhang, Baohua Wang, et cl. Comparison of Different   Steering Ratios on Steering by Wire Vehicle, Proceedings of The Joint   Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and CFD Society of Canada   International Congress 2019.

[16] Huiyong Zhao, Guangde Zhang, Baohua Wang, Yuping He, Lin Zhao. An   Energy-Saving Strategy for Steering-Motors of Steer-by-Wire Vehicles. J.   Vehicle Performance, Vol. x, No. x, xxxx2020

[18]  Huiyong Zhao; Baohua Wang; Genfu Chen ; Numerical study on a rotational hydraulic damper with variable damping coefficient, Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1)

[19] Huiyong Zhao; Baohua Wang; Guangde Zhang; Jiao Li ; Concept of a new overrunning clutch with the characteristic of reverse force transfer at high speed, Engineering Reports, 2021, 3(11)

[20] 赵慧勇,梁国才,蔡硕,王保华.四轮独立驱动电动汽车直接横摆力矩控制[J].重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2021,35(09):83-91.

[21] Yangqing Liu, Baohua Wang, Yuping He.Research on Electronic Differential Control Strategy of Distributed Electric Drive Vehicle based on Torque Optimal Distribution. CSME Congress 2021 June 27-30, 2021

[22] Leilei Liu, Baohua Wang, Yuping He.Research on Path-Tracking Control of Articulated Vehicle with a trailer Based on Advanced Model Prediction Control Strategy. CSME Congress 2021 June 27-30, 2021

[23] Xuequan Tang; Yunbing Yan; Baohua Wang; Lin Zhang ; Adaptive Articulation Angle Preview-Based Path-Following Algorithm for Tractor-Semitrailer Using Optimal Control, MDPI AG, 2022,22(14): 5163-5163

[24] Zhaowen Deng; Yong-hui Jin; Wei Gao; Baohua Wang ; A closed-loop directional dynamics control with LQR active trailer steering for articulated heavy vehicle, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2022,236(12)

[25] Zhaowen Deng; Qixian Zhao; Youqun Zhao; Baohua Wang et.al, Active LQR multi-axle-steering method for improving maneuverability and stability of multi-trailer articulated heavy vehicles, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2022. 24(4):939-955

[26] Zhaowen Deng; Yonghui Jin; Wei Gao; Baohua Wang. A closed-loop directional dynamics control with LQR active trailer steering for articulated heavy vehicle, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering, Volume: 237, Issue: 12, pp: 2741-2758 (2023). DOI: 10.1177/09544070221121859

[27] Xinxin Kong; Zhaowen Deng; Youqun Zhao; Wei Gao. Stability control of distributed drive electric vehicle based on adaptive fuzzy sliding mode, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering, (2023). DOI: 10.1177/09544070231169804.

[28] Wang Dongxiong, Chen Songyao, Wang Nianxian, Zhang Ju, Wang Baohua. Influence of speed ratio on nonlinear dynamics of a magnetic suspended dual-rotor system with fixed-point rubbing. Actuators, 2023, 12(9):354.

[29] 王保华; 王伟龙; 孙雨辰; 吴华伟; 朱远志. 基于动态门限值的分布式驱动电动汽车驱动力矩控制研究, 《汽车工程学报》, 2023, 13(05): 705-715.

[30] Baohua Wang, Yuchen Sun et.al, A Motion Decoupling Control Based on Differential Geometry for Distributed Drive Articulated Heavy Vehicle, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2024. 25(1):381-398



[1] 王保华等,平头重型客车车门机构,发明专利,专利号: ZL 200510018839.9,已授权,2009

[2] 王保华,赵慧勇等,一种随动自锁节能装置,发明专利,CN 107089264 B,已授权,2023

[3] 王保华,王伟龙等,一种具有提升驱动桥的分布式电驱动挂车控制系统与方法,发明专利,202311790859.2,已授权,2024

[4] 赵慧勇,王保华等,一种电控可变阻尼旋转液压阻尼器,发明专利,CN106438815B,已授权,2018

[5] 赵慧勇,张光德,王保华等一种转速控制动力主从换向的超越离合器,发明专利,CN105276027B,已授权,2017


[1]  2011年获得十堰市师德标兵

[2] 2011年获十堰市五一劳动奖章

[3]  2013年获得十堰市科技进步一等奖

[4]  2015年荣获湖北省师德先进个人

[5]  2015年授予十堰市政府专项津贴专家

[6]  2017年获第八届湖北省高等学校教学成果一等奖

[7]  2022年获第九届湖北省高等学校教学成果二等奖

[8]  2023年获湖北省科技进步三等奖


